in Programming, Unix, Web

Get emailed when uploads complete

Sometimes I have to send a client a really large file or app that’s too large to post to Basecamp. The solution is to upload to a web server over night and email the client a link when it’s done. Not wanting to tie my laptop down overnight here is a great solution that emails you when it’s done.

Lets say your file is called NinjaApp-1.0.ipa and you use SSH/SFTP on your server to copy everything…
1. Drop your file onto a spare Mac or server.
2. Type the following into a terminal window:

scp NinjaApp-1.0.ipa [email protected]:/var/www/downloads/.
&& echo "Upload done" | mail -s "Upload Complete" [email protected]

That’s it! You’ll get an email when it’s done.

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